The times are a changing, but less Bob Dylan and more of a Orwellian outlook.
First we had the mysterious Black Helicopters flying around doing God knows what and now there are Grey Drones.
Here is a list of drone (U.A.V.'s) bases in Kentucky. Its not surprising Ft. Campbell and Ft. Knox, two of the most secret military bases, are on the list. But Corbin, Kentucky?
Interesting and strange, since Corbin has a population of around 7,000 and that the department is under SOCOM (special operations command) so, think Delta Force and SEAL Team 6.
Why should you care if the military has a base next door to you. Because, according to a Air Force document, the police can use military drones to spy on you with out a warrant.
Drones on the list
link to Wiki
RQ11B Raven
The list is from a Dept of Defense report.
But, it's not just the military. Local and federal law enforcement have, or will have, grey drones in the sky. Police in Lakota, N. D. used a drone to arrest one person.
Mark Mazzetti did a piece in the New York Times on military drones.
News links on drones"When I visited the base earlier this year with a small group of reporters, we were taken into a command post where a large flat-screen television was broadcasting a video feed from a drone flying overhead. It took a few seconds to figure out exactly what we were looking at. A white S.U.V. traveling along a highway adjacent to the base came into the cross hairs....“'Wait, you guys practice tracking enemies by using civilian cars?' a reporter asked. One Air Force officer responded that this was only a training mission, and then the group was quickly hustled out of the room."
— Mark Mazzetti, "The Drone Zone"
ABC Drones in the US
RT Texas college hacks drone
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